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  • Writer's pictureChristy Marie J.

Try, Try Again

So, apparently, my writing isn't terrible... I just suck at selling. And that's the truth.

Like a lot of the time, I was down on my luck, feeling sorry for myself (which isn't a crime, by the way) until I read this blog from a guy who was completely honest about himself and his writing. He came across as blunt but truthful. Something I had been afraid to be about myself for some time.

You know, it's hard creating something new. I mean, we all know how that is. We all somehow want something that only WE own. We want that opportunity to say, "Hey, that's mine. That's what I created." I guess, in some way, we aren't always humble. Hell, I'm not most of the time.

So, I got to thinking. And thinking. And thinking some more. What if we all need to change to get what we want? What if we have tweak our loose screws in our heads and just say, "To hell with it." Do you think we'd be successful then?

Someone once said that you can't be successful in all things. You can't do all things but I'm starting to believe that isn't true.

It's just that we stop doing those things we talked about because we feel that we suck at them.

But you don't.

Not for long anyway.

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